
Error in setting up Wagtail Bakery demo site on Windows/Mac OS

gitkaarma opened this issue · 1 comments

Issue Summary

This is a Windows/Mac specific issue. While setting up Wagtail Bakery demo site, running the command

# Install bakery requirements
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt 

generates the following error: -


Steps to Reproduce

  1. Clone a copy of the Wagtail Bakery demo codebase using the following commands: -
    git clone https://github.com/wagtail/bakerydemo.git

  2. Install bakery requirements

cd bakerydemo
cp bakerydemo/settings/local.py.example bakerydemo/settings/local.py
echo "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=bakerydemo.settings.local" > .env
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. The error will pop.

Looks like there is some issue with uwsgi on Windows. Switching to gunicorn in Bakerydemo can help.

Also for developers looking to setup the site anyway, just comment out the uwsgi line in your local requirements.txt - you shouldn’t need it for local development.

  • I have confirmed that this issue can be reproduced as described on a fresh Wagtail project: Yes(But only on Mac/Windows)

Technical details

  • Python version: 3.10.
  • Django version: 4.0.3
  • Wagtail version: 2.17a0

Hi @gitkaarma,
The instructions in the readme tell you to use requirements/base.txt, not requirements.txt.