
Setup With Virtualenv for wagtail bakereydemo

softkeldozy opened this issue · 7 comments

Setup with Virtualenv


Creating virtual environment with mkvirtualenv wagtailbakerydemo throws an error using the latest python version (maybe windows related)

(Documentation should be updated to use the venv approach which works well with recent python versions.)

lb- commented

@softkeldozy I think you meant to raise this on the bakerydemo project. I'll move this issue there.

This relates to this section of the readme.

Ok, thanks

lb- commented

@softkeldozy can you confirm you tried to install mkvirtualenv first?

Also. The readme could be clearer but it does say that it's optional.


Additionally you have linked to the gitpod part of the readme - not sure if that's intentional.

Maybe can you add a new comment with your exact setup, python version, windows version and the terminal you used. Then the exact steps you followed and the error you had.

It would be good to understand a bit more before change the docs.

I'm on it

After installing virtualenv and pip install virtualenvwrapper I then ran mkvirtualenv wagtailbakerydemo and got the error seen in the image. The virtualenvwrapper is said to optional so I tried running mkvirtualenv wagtailbakerydemo at first after installing virtualenv and got same error.

Currently I'm running python version 3.10.8 on windows 10 pro and my terminal is Git bash in VScode


After installing virtualenv and pip install virtualenvwrapper I then ran mkvirtualenv wagtailbakerydemo and got the error seen in the image. The virtualenvwrapper is said to optional so I tried running mkvirtualenv wagtailbakerydemo at first after installing virtualenv and got same error.

Currently I'm running python version 3.10.8 on windows 10 pro and my terminal is Git bash in VScode


Have you configured it after installing virtualenvwarapper. In my case, i exported the path to .zshrc ( or bash profile ) on mac after installing virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper. It's running properly with 0 issues.

I'm a windows user though and I had no idea of the configuration thing.
Please get back to me on this