
Instruction in readme.md not clear

Orange-Tofu opened this issue · 1 comments


In the readme.md file, under the subheading Setup with Virtualenv.

The 4th set of commands does not run directly in windows command prompt. i.e. the command:
$ cp bakerydemo/settings/local.py.example bakerydemo/settings/local.py.
People not familiar with linux will not know cp is a linux command.

Possible solution

cp can either run on windows powershell or using the cygwin package.

I would like to raise an issue with the readme.md file that provides instructions on how to Set up Gitpod. As a new user, I found that the instructions could be improved by providing clearer information on how to access the login panel. Specifically, I suggest adding the following text to the instructions: "To access the login panel, append /admin/ to the URL, and use the login credentials: admin/changeme."

I believe that this change would be beneficial for new users who may not be familiar with the process of accessing the login panel.