Uncaught SyntaxError in the browser's Console log
Vulum opened this issue · 4 comments
I set my Wagtail live app successfully with Long Polling: Set up long polling publisher as my publisher.
I am able to post from slack to my liveblog app. However, I am getting the following errors in my browsers console log:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier 'csrftoken' has already been declared
Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier 'LivePostsTracker' has already been declared
Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier 'basePollingURL' has already been declared
What have I done wrong?
Advance appreciation for your help
Hi @Vulum,
I'm not sure of what's happening... Can you verify that you are not including the polling templates more than once?
Hi @Tijani-Dia,
You are right I repeated {% include "wagtail_live/live_posts.html" %}
and {% include "wagtail_live/polling/long_polling.html" %}
twice respectively. I guess an oversight issue. thank for pointing it out.
By the way, is there any ways I can properly style the template?
Hi @Tijani-Dia ,
Thank you for the direction, much appreciated.