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Install Desktop Environment


Warning :

It is not recommended to install because there are some problems.

Tutorial Installation

Make 2 Session in Termux

Swipe the screen from left to right in termux, click 'New Session'.

  1. Session 1 (in Termux)

pkg update && pkg upgrade

  • Install Tigervnc
    on Termux, run this command :
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wahasa/Ubuntu/main/tigervnc ; chmod +x tigervnc ; ./tigervnc

  1. Session 2 (in Ubuntu)
    on Ubuntu, run this command :

apt update && apt upgrade

Install Desktop Ukui

N:There are apps that can't be opened.
apt install wget -y ; wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wahasa/Ubuntu/main/de-ukui.sh ; chmod +x de-ukui.sh ; ./de-ukui.sh

Install Desktop Gnome

N : There are apps & features that cann't be opened.
apt install wget -y ; wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wahasa/Ubuntu/main/de-gnome.sh ; chmod +x de-gnome.sh ; ./de-gnome.sh

Install Desktop Budgie

N : There are apps & features that cann't be opened.
apt install wget -y ; wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wahasa/Ubuntu/main/de-budgie.sh ; chmod +x de-budgie.sh ; ./de-budgie.sh

Install Desktop Mate

N : Unable to open desktop menu.
apt install wget -y ; wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wahasa/Ubuntu/main/de-mate.sh ; chmod +x de-mate.sh ; ./de-mate.sh

Install Desktop Cinnamon

N : Unable to login to vnc server.
apt install wget -y ; wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wahasa/Ubuntu/main/de-cinnamon.sh ; chmod +x de-cinnamon.sh ; ./de-cinnamon.sh

Vnc Viewer

  • Start Vnc Server

On Session 1 (Termux), run this command :


To Session 2 (Ubuntu), run this command :


  • Open Vnc Viewer

Add (+) VNC Client to connect, fill with :




Ubuntu Desktop

To disconnect VNC Client, click (X) on the right.

  • Stop Vnc Server

on Session 1 (Termux), run this command :


Close session with 'exit'.

To Session 2 (Ubuntu), run this command :

ctrl + c

Good Luck