
Idle Event input sanitation

Unthrottled opened this issue · 2 comments

Looks like somebody was being cheeky and set the Idle Timeout to 0 which caused this:


Additional Info

Additional Info None
App Name PyCharm 2020.2.3 (Professional Edition)
Build Info Build #PY-202.7660.27, built on October 6, 2020
Cores 12
Current LAF EVA: Misato Katsuragi
GC ParNew,ConcurrentMarkSweep
JRE Runtime version: 11.0.8+10-b944.34 amd64
Memory 1970
Message Error executing task zd.zero.waifu.motivator.plugin.WaifuMotivatorProject$$Lambda$1297/0x0000000101216440@58c1101b
Non-Bundled Plugins indent-rainbow.indent-rainbow,io.acari.DDLCTheme,some.awesome,zd.zero.waifu-motivator-plugin,com.jetbrains.intellij.datalore,izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets
Plugin Config { "isWaifuOfTheDayEnabled": false, "isStartupMotivationEnabled": false, "isStartupMotivationSoundEnabled": false, "isUnitTesterMotivationEnabled": false, "isUnitTesterMotivationSoundEnabled": false, "isMotivateMeEnabled": false, "isMotivateMeSoundEnabled": false, "isSayonaraEnabled": false, "isDisabledInDistractionFreeMode": false, "isTaskMotivationEnabled": false, "isTask...
System Info Windows 10 10.0
VM VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o.

I'm now curious as to how it was updated? Was it manually changed from the configs?
We already have a 1 value minimum for Idle timeout:

There is nothing preventing them from modifying the waifu-motivator-plugin.xml file with the 0 value (I think) 🤔 😒