error in sentinel process
chrisoswald opened this issue · 4 comments
I'm using wakatime with emacs under windows and get the error
error in process sentinel: WakaTime Error (1) Make sure this command runs in a Terminal:
c:/Users/Christian Oswald/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python36-32/Scripts/wakatime.exe --file "c:/Users/Christian Oswald/Documents/workspace/komi/R/funktionen/f_aufwendungen.R" --plugin "emacs-wakatime/1.0.2" --time 1565018926.30
The problem comes from the blank space in the path of the command. Is there a possibility to change something that the command is running properly?
I'm getting a similar error on OSX 10.13.6, Emacs 26.3.
The command runs fine in the terminal and also in eshell.
@alanhamlett help on this
Same for vim.
Sorry, this was me. 😭 I broke the api key parsing, but it's fixed now. The plugin saves your stats and syncs them up the next time the plugin runs (the next time you're typing) so nothing is lost, but still sorry about the frustration it may have caused.