wakatime mode keep stealing focus when it fails
contrun opened this issue · 1 comments
contrun commented
If wakatime mode failed to setup, it would continuously retry. The thing baffles me is that every time wakatime fails, it would steal my editor's focus. That is to say, I can't edit my files any more. I think it would be better if wakatime would silently fail and have some sort of back-off strategy.
Wakatime mode steals focus while outputting the following messages.
error in process sentinel: cond: WakaTime Error (112) Make sure this command runs in a Terminal: "wakatime-cli" --entity /home/e/.local/share/chezmoi/Makefile --plugin "emacs-wakatime/1.0.2" --time 1664073120.67 --key f3ef8822-7af0-4efe-9677-90e9ad577777
error in process sentinel: WakaTime Error (112) Make sure this command runs in a Terminal: "wakatime-cli" --entity /home/e/.local/share/chezmoi/Makefile --plugin "emacs-wakatime/1.0.2" --time 1664073120.67 --key f3ef8822-7af0-4efe-9677-90e9ad57777