
wakatime-cli-path is getting trampled

sellout opened this issue · 0 comments

I’m not sure exactly how yet, but I have

(use-package wakatime-mode
  :config (global-wakatime-mode)
  :custom (wakatime-cli-path "<my absolute path to>/wakatime-cli"))

in default.el (ostensibly system-wide, rather than my init.el), but when I check wakatime-cli-path in Emacs, it’s set to "wakatime-cli". Since the defcustom initializes it to nil, I’m guessing it’s getting set by wakatime-init, but I don’t know why the wakatime-cli-path would be blank at that point.

I’m going to dig into this a bit more myself, but I was also curious why it’s set by wakatime-init rather than initialized to "wakatime-cli" in the defcustom declaration.