
Can't log in even after uninstalled wakatime

Ranoiaetep opened this issue ยท 11 comments

It's sort of continued from Issue #49, and on Xcode 12.3 here.

Even after uninstalling wakatime, the issue still won't fix. It would still say "Couldn't communicate with a helper application". Seems like the easiest way to solve it might be to reinstall Xcode.

Seems like the problem was my keychain and certificate files for Xcode were deleted during installation.

Probably due to the same reason, my Github account on Xcode can't stay logged in. It requires me to reenter my token every time I quit and reopen Xcode.

It might be a good idea to suggest clone your Xcode as the default installation method on the installation page

qyzdo commented

I have the same problem, every time I reinstall Xcode it runs fine, and when I install wakatime plugin after few days I have "Couldn't communicate with a helper application". It's really annoying, hope It will be fixed soon because currently, wakatime for me is almost unusable because of this.

if it's possible for you please fix this bug as soon as you can.
I want to know have many hours I work in a day with wakaTime I can plan my day but now.

Please fix this bug...

I agree with the others. Please fix this issue. I love this plugin for helping me analyze my work. However, when it comes to releasing software to the app store, it prevents me access to my Apple account for signing and verification.

Does keeping two versions of Xcode (one with WakaTime and one without for publishing) help? We've been trying to find a way to fix this, but it doesn't seem possible without Apple's help currently.

Please please fix this bug...

Currently we don't have a way to fix it without help from Apple.

Currently we don't have a way to fix it without help from Apple.

Have you tried requesting code level support via your developer acount? Think you need to be logged in as the account holder...

Screenshot 2022-03-09 at 11 35 55

I really like WakaTime but until this is sorted I have removed it from Xcode and re-installed.

Screen Shot 2022-03-09 at 11 03 14 AM

Apple's response:

Thank you for contacting Apple Developer Technical Support (DTS).

The functionality you are looking to implement is not currently supported. We recommend that you file an enhancement request via Feedback Assistant (https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/).

Is that mean you can not fix this issue?