
BUG: Killing node and powersupply have no effect against SA-3 and SA-11 site

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Build: Timestamp: Timestamp: 04.03.2020 23:12:30.82
Missionfile: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yaojrfw31ufmrrb/Neck_Skynet_test_v4.miz?dl=0

Was testing some new SAM sites, and I realized that after I destroyed powersupply to both my 2 SAM sites (1x SA-11 site and 1x SA-3 site), they still show as they have power, see screenshot below:


Here I have killed both node and powersupply for my SAM site, but it shows still as they have both power and node:

And same result after all powersupply and nodes are taken out for the second SAM site aswell:

User error. Had not changed the name in the skynet setup file