
How to contribute (adding a new application) ?

politicus opened this issue · 3 comments

(Newbie here)
Found the idea awesome, and it was time to ditch my Excel file where I stored my 300+ shortcuts (Mac).
So, I downloaded the repository, scrolled the directories, discovered the per app json files. Modified one for testing. Worked. Awesome.
How do I create one new per app shortcut file (creating one new .json file seems to be not enough).

Plus, what exporting shortcuts is supposed to do? What use case?

Eager to learn and contribute 👍


I've started writing some more documentation here: https://github.com/waldobronchart/ShortcutMapper#adding-shortcuts-for-a-new-application

I'll have to complete it later as I don't have time right now. I'll keep you posted.

For now, read the docs I wrote and then have a look at how the scripts work in /exporters/adobe-photoshop . You're probably going to have to setup something similar.


Can't wait!
Thank you.

Allright, I think the documentation should be clear now. For a good example have a look at the scripts in /exporters/autodesk-maya/scripts