
Wrong display in wallabag (axiocap.com)

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Sent by Romain Douteau and automatically created by email


I would like to inform the development team that on some websites, not all
article content is fetched.

You can see on the screenshot attached that the content of the following
article is partly missing :

Thanks for your work, it helps a lot ;)

Best regards,

Romain Douteau

Hi @j0k3r, a question about French language. Is it allowed or common to have a space before a question mark in a question?

This article contains several subheadings that ends with 'some text ?' instead of 'some text?' which caused wallabag in some cases to wrap the question mark only to the next line.

I therefore striped that space to make it better readable. If that space is allowed in French, we could replace it with an  

Hey @HolgerAusB,

In French the question mark must be preceded by a non-breaking space

Thank you - and I think it is the same with exclamation marks?

I am a bit anxious if I should replace all " ?" with " ?" or only those at the very end of all subheadings? Could be dangerous, or?

replace_string( ?): ?
replace_string( !): !


replace_string( ?</h):&nbsp;?</h
replace_string( !</h):&nbsp;!</h


leave it as is? What do you mean.

Edit 1: Too dangerous, is to that replacement for colon :

Edit 2: Or should I use a 'narrow not-breakable space' &#8239; instead of &nbsp; as I just learned

To be fair, I don't think it's that important to handle it.
I just tested your site config, and it doesn't shock me if ? has no breaking space before.


@j0k3r I got that break at: 4. Quels avantages à être un actionnaire salarié ? Of course, you must remove my replacement in the config to see ;-)


Isn't because of the size of the page? It's ok for me if the ? goes on a new line like you have

Thank you. I removed the string_replace.
You may close this issue.