
Issue with Database Charset and Dependency Warnings After Docker Update

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Version: wallabag/wallabag:latest (as of 2024-02-21)
Installation: Docker Compose
PHP version: Not known (included in the wallabag Docker image)
OS: Linux Ubuntu 20.04
Database: MariaDB, latest Docker image as of 2024-02-21
My app/config/parameters.yml is:


env(database_driver): pdo_mysql
env(database_host): db
env(database_port): 3306
env(database_name): wallabag
env(database_user): wallabag
env(database_password): 'wallapass' # This is a placeholder, replace with your actual password
env(database_charset): utf8mb4
env(domain_name): ''

Other settings omitted for brevity

What steps will reproduce the bug?
The Wallabag instance was functioning correctly until it was automatically updated by Watchtower on 2024-02-21.
After the update, the wallabag-db-1 container logged an error regarding the charset: "SQLSTATE[HY000] [2054] Server sent charset (0) unknown to the client. Please, report to the developers."
The wallabag-wallabag-1 container logged multiple warnings about abandoned packages and failed to connect to the database due to the charset issue.

I have not made any manual changes to the MariaDB or Wallabag configurations that would explain this issue. Reviewing the Docker and Wallabag documentation did not yield a clear solution. Is there a known compatibility issue with the latest MariaDB image and Wallabag concerning the database charset? Are there recommended steps to resolve the charset issue and ensure a successful database connection?

Ok, I solved it. I changed image: mariadb to image: mariadb:lts.