[Feature]: Change Web Socket Connect Address
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It operates normally in a local enviroment, but does not log when accessing a local address from a mobile device.
My guess is that the WebSocket connection address is, is there a way to fix this ?
-log file-
info host -----------starting---------
info extenstion hostpreocess output:port:[55880]
info extension
info host client connected: extension { address: '', family: 'IPv4", 'port: 55880 }
- local work ok
- mobile device log not work
mobile device access no localhost
mobile device access some.test.com
some.test.com -> proxy -> (in my public ipv4 )
We mention in our README.md that:
To connect from a different host name, use the
VS Code setting.
Have you tried that and it's not working for you?
@smcenlly yes i tried - console-ninja.allowdHosts: ["*"] but not work..
To add more details, my current situation is as follows
local pc
- ip:
- terminal: yarn dev (run nextjs server) 8080port
- browser: access "some.com" not a localhost
- click -> work fine
A server
- nginx: "some.com" proxy to
Mobile device with VPN
- webview: access "some.com"
- click -> not work
Save in my local vscode automatically updates the screen with changes on my mobile device
The reason I guess this is possible is because the Nextjs dev server communicates the work reflection to the http request server
Consolninza seems to be communicating by WebSocket, but I think we just need to change the request address,
Of course, I don't know about this in detail because I don't have network knowledge.. I'm also wondering if it's possible or not
We haven't set up your exact configuration before, but it should work for you.
Please note: the use of * and ? for wildcard matching (e.g. .example.com), and regular expressions (e.g. /^.\.example\.com$/) are PRO features, so if you are using the Community edition of Console Ninja, it won't work for you. If you do not have PRO, then you will need provide the explicit name of your host (e.g. some.com
If you're still having problems, can you please provide us with your ~/.console-ninja/trace.log
file, which is located in your home folder under a hidden .console-ninja