
Cannot send a content-body with this verb-type. Wallee v.7.0.1

serhiykaramalak opened this issue · 4 comments

We are getting exceptions in new version 7.0.1. Previous version 7.0.0 works good.
For example, when calling PaymentPageUrl()
var transactionPaymentPageService = new WService.TransactionPaymentPageService(configuration);
var paymentPageUrl = transactionPaymentPageService.PaymentPageUrl(spaceId, transaction.Data.Id);

Exception: Cannot send a content-body with this verb-type.

We use .NET Framework 4.8

Content-Type header shouldn't be used with GET. Content-Type is for Request. Could you avoid setting Content-Type with GET method ?

New changes in ApiClient.cs :127 cause an exception .
if (contentType != null)
request.AddHeader("Content-Type", contentType);

Dear serhiykaramalak

We also use the newest version (where the code is working), which officially only works with .NET 6.0+, as described here:

Please can you try again your code with .NET 6.0.

If you still have issues then, feel free to create a ticket at info@wallee.com

Best regards