Not getting syntax highlighting on python file in ubuntu on WSL.
Closed this issue · 8 comments
Using Ubuntu 22.04 on WSL, up-to-date.
Installed moar using brew install moar
moar path/to/
python syntax is highlighted
python syntax is displayed but not highlighted
I thought there might be some sort of conflict with oh-my-posh as a terminal line decorator but I disabled that and it made no difference.
I tried manually installing Chroma from brew and it made no difference.
This is super weird.
Can you copy / paste the output of moar --version
and moar --help
Please re-open if you have more information on this @pacanukeha.
hi @walles, I'm very sorry to ignore your question. It turns out that my notification emails have been going to a previous work email and they strangely haven't been helpful enough to forward. anyway – requested output below.
I am using oh-my-posh to decorate my command line, I don't know if that would affect anything.
Please let me know if there are any environment variables you need.
moar --version
moar --help
moar [options] <file>
... | moar
moar < file
Shows file contents. Compressed files will be transparently decompressed.
Input is expected to be (possibly compressed) UTF-8 encoded text. Invalid /
non-printable characters are by default rendered as '?'.
More information + source code:
Additional options are read from the MOAR environment variable if set.
But currently, the MOAR environment variable is not set.
-colors value
Highlighting palette size: 8, 16, 256, 16M, auto
Print debug logs after exiting
Follow piped input just like "tail -f"
-lang value
File contents, used for highlighting. Mime type or file extension ("html"). Default is to guess by filename.
-mousemode mode
Mouse mode: auto, select or scroll:
Retain screen contents when exiting moar
Hide line numbers on startup, press left arrow key to show (default true)
Hide the status bar, toggle with '='
Don't page if contents fits on one screen
-render-unprintable value
How unprintable characters are rendered: highlight or whitespace
-scroll-left-hint value
Shown when view can scroll left. One character with optional ANSI highlighting.
-scroll-right-hint value
Shown when view can scroll right. One character with optional ANSI highlighting.
-shift amount
Horizontal scroll amount >=1, defaults to 16
-statusbar style
Status bar style: inverse, plain or bold
-style style
Highlighting style from
Print trace logs after exiting
Prints the moar version number
Wrap long lines
Immediately scroll to line 1234
I do not appear to have the authority to Re-Open this issue.
What about moar --trace path/to/
Then just quit immediately after the (not-highlighted) file shows up.
Should print lots of debug information after you exit the pager, please post here what you get!
here you go! some interesting lines in there.
moar --trace ./
Please post the following report at <>,
or e-mail it to
Version: v1.23.10
TERM : xterm-256color
GOOS : linux
GOARCH : amd64
Compiler: gc
NumCPU : 20
time="Apr 29 14:28:44.815513" level=debug msg="Counted 10 lines in 644.355µs at 64.435µs/line"
time="Apr 29 14:28:44.816578" level=debug msg="Stream read in 682.806µs"
time="Apr 29 14:28:44.866880" level=debug msg="Terminal background color still not detected after 50.351762ms, giving up"
time="Apr 29 14:28:44.866937" level=trace msg="Pager starting"
time="Apr 29 14:28:44.870216" level=trace msg="Reader done, contents explicitly set"
time="Apr 29 14:28:44.870297" level=debug msg="onDone() took 53.712048ms"
time="Apr 29 14:28:46.299281" level=trace msg="ttyin high watermark bumped to 1 bytes"
time="Apr 29 14:28:46.299353" level=trace msg="Handling rune event 'q'/0x0071..."
time="Apr 29 14:28:46.299367" level=trace msg="Pager done"
Just made a new release with the fix in it, thanks for reporting @pacanukeha!
The fixed release should show up in Homebrew within an hour or so.
Great, thanks!