
Research project for term paper at Freie Universität, Berlin. Paper online: https://bjarke.me/2019-cogsys-paper

Primary LanguagePython

Implementing visio-acoustic associative memory model for fast mapping of word categories in small children

This repository contains the data, model code, and processing tools for the term paper. Paper online: https://bjarke.me/2019-cogsys-paper


After cloning this repository, install the dependencies:

pipenv install


Run the four pre-experiments:

pipenv run python tools/3-experiment/1_pre_experiment.py
pipenv run python tools/3-experiment/2_pre_experiment.py
pipenv run python tools/3-experiment/3_pre_experiment.py
pipenv run python tools/3-experiment/4_pre_experiment.py

Analyze the results:

pipenv run python tools/3-experiment/5_main_experiment.py

The output can be found in the data/3-experiment/ folder.


This repository is organized according to the following file structure:

  • data/ — all data related to the research
    • 1-visual/ — visual stimuli data
      • generated/
        • graph/ — some statistics for the generated data
        • pattern/ — visualization of the generated data
      • prototypes.csv — the prototypes, not included in training set
      • stimuli.csv — the visual input stimuli
    • 2-acoustic/ — acoustic stimuli data
      • original/
        • 1-wordlist/ — complete and manually augmented word list
        • 2-audio/ — audio recordings of narrated words
      • processed/
        • audio/ — automatically cut audio samples after running tools
        • graph/ — some statistics for the cut audio samples after running tools
        • wordlist/ — selected word list with 100 word senses (categories)
      • stimuli.csv — the acoustic input stimuli
    • 3-experiment/
      • graph/ — analyzed results and statistics for the experiments
      • log/ — log protocols after running the experiments
  • lib/ — implementation code in Python
    • data/ — code related to data processing and generation
    • model/ — model implementation
  • paper/ — code for the paper (LaTeX)
    • img/ — images used in the paper
  • tools/ — tools to automatically process data and run experiments
    • 1-visual/ — tools related to visual stimuli
      • generate_patterns.py — re-generate the visual dot patterns
    • 2-acoustic/ — tools related to acoustic stimuli
      • 1-wordlist/ — tools related to word lists
        • process_wordlist.py — re-generate the selected word list
      • 2-audio/ — tools related to audio recordings
        • process_full_recordings.py — (currently defunct) cut full recordings
        • process_audio.py — process audio files to generate stimuli data
    • 3-experiment/ — tools related to running experiments
      • 1_pre_experiment.py — run 1st pre-experiment
      • 2_pre_experiment.py — run 2nd pre-experiment
      • 3_pre_experiment.py — run 3rd pre-experiment
      • 4_pre_experiment.py — run 4th pre-experiment
      • 5_main_experiment.py — (currently defunct) run main experiment
      • 6_analyze.py — analyze the results of all experiments
      • 7_prepare_images.sh — copy images used in the paper
  • Pipfile — track dependencies to install
  • testall.py — run all unit tests