
🔥 Contributor Guidelines 🔥

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About Starkflare

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How to get an issue assigned

At Walnut, we highly value code quality. We ensure that only the best contributors work on our code, which is why our selection process is careful and thorough.

We do not assign issues on a first-come, first-served basis. Primarily, we assign issues to contributors who have previously worked with us. However, if you are new, don’t worry—we are eager to attract new talent. We just need to get to know you and ensure you have the skills to complete the task. Below are detailed instructions on how to get an issue assigned.

If It’s Your First Contribution to Walnut’s Repositories

  1. Add a comment briefly introducing yourself.
  2. Provide detailed technical instructions on how you plan to accomplish the task. Mention which functions or files you plan to edit and what code you intend to write.

Note: Once you finish your first issue with us, you won’t need to provide detailed instructions anymore; a simple “I am up for it” comment will suffice!

If You Have Already Contributed to Any of Walnut's Repositories

Just comment that you are up for the work, and we will assign the issue to you.

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