
User test@gmail.com not found

suiyan538 opened this issue · 13 comments

/usr/local/bin/local password test@gmail.com
This problem occurs when adding users manually
User test@gmail.com not found

Hi @suiyan538, thanks for reporting this! Could you share with me what version of wandb local are you using?


I am using the latest version of wandb-local, and I also found that when I set the project I created to public in wandb-local, others cannot access it.

/usr/local/bin/local password test@gmail.com
This problem occurs when adding users manually
User test@gmail.com not found

I did this by following the link below

Hi @suiyan538, I'm sorry for the delay here. I'm looking at the issue when adding users manually. You can also add a user from the /admin/users page. Regarding the issue with public rojects, you can give access to everyone to a public project by setting the environment variable GORILLA_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_PUBLIC_PROJECTS to True in your local instance

  value: "true" 

hi@luisbergua ,I set the environment variable, but others still can't access it.
The following are the environment variables I set. I used two ways to set the environment variables, but it didn't work.

The following is the problem when accessing

Hi @suiyan538, I'm sorry for the delay here. I'm looking at the issue when adding users manually. You can also add a user from the /admin/users page. Regarding the issue with public rojects, you can give access to everyone to a public project by setting the environment variable GORILLA_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_PUBLIC_PROJECTS to True in your local instance

  value: "true" 

hi@luisbergua ,I set the environment variable, but others still can't access it.
The following are the environment variables I set. I used two ways to set the environment variables, but it didn't work.

The following is the problem when accessing

Hi @suiyan538, thanks for your answer! Could you please try setting this variable when running the docker container like showed here and see if it works? This should set this variable for the hole instance.

Hi @suiyan538, thanks for your answer! Could you please try setting this variable when running the docker container like showed here and see if it works? This should set this variable for the hole instance.

I didn't understand this command very much, so I thought, what needs to be done so that unregistered users can also access public projects running on my locally deployed wandb.

Hi @suiyan538, thanks for your answer! Could you please try setting this variable when running the docker container like showed here and see if it works? This should set this variable for the hole instance.
You are talking about this command. This command seems to be using an external partial storage service. What is the significance of my local deployment? I don't want to use an external storage service. So how can I make unregistered users also have access to my public projects?

Hi @suiyan538, sorry for not explaining this properly. You can set it running a command like:

docker run --rm -d \
   -e HOST=https://your_dns_name/ \
   -p 8080:8080 --name wandb-local wandb/local 

as the -e tag is for env varibles. Your container would also need access to the public internet to share reports like this. Could you please run your local instance like this and see if it works?

Hi @suiyan538, sorry for not explaining this properly. You can set it running a command like:

docker run --rm -d \
   -e HOST=https://your_dns_name/ \
   -p 8080:8080 --name wandb-local wandb/local 

as the -e tag is for env varibles. Your container would also need access to the public internet to share reports like this. Could you please run your local instance like this and see if it works?

Thank you very much for your reply, now the problem is solved.

WandB Internal User commented:
suiyan538 commented:

Hi @suiyan538, thanks for your answer! Could you please try setting this variable when running the docker container like showed here and see if it works? This should set this variable for the hole instance.
You are talking about this command. This command seems to be using an external partial storage service. What is the significance of my local deployment? I don't want to use an external storage service. So how can I make unregistered users also have access to my public projects?

Thanks for confirming this @suiyan538! I'll then close the ticket, thanks for your patience!