
Mac64 OpenFileDialog and OpenFL (all versions)

yupswing opened this issue · 2 comments

When OpenFileDialog (the openfolder and savefile are all right) gives the control back to the openfl app the window become black.

The app still retain Listeners and console output but the "stage" get detached (if there is an opengl view the program crashes).

An example here https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/683344/akifox/git/opendialog-openfl-test-mac.zip

(I've submitted the bug to the openfl issue tracker as well)

At one point this was working with openfl. I'm assuming the gl context gets lost but I'm not sure what the fix would be.

I understand, this is tricky...

Anyway if it can help this happen with the Open Dialog but NOT with the Save Dialog.
I've looked at the ObjectiveC code but I can't see anything strange.

Beside that I've seen a (probable) similar problem with the Luxe implementation of the dialogs (which does not use systools as far as I now).
I will look deeper into it but my knowledge in this field (os interaction) is quite superficial.