
midjourney-client in deno

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


NPM Version midjourney-discord-api

Deno doc

midjourney-discord-api is a library designed to connect to a Discord channel and send messages to be processed by the Midjourney bot. It utilizes the same requests as the Discord web client, allowing seamless communication with the bot. To configure the library, extract an authenticated request sent to the Midjourney bot using your web development tools.


feature Status feature Status
/ask 🙈 /private ❌ N/A
/blend /public ❌ N/A
/describe /relax
/fast /settings
/help 🙈 /show ❌ N/A
/imagine /stealth ❌ N/A
/info ❌ N/A /subscribe 🙈
/invite 🙈 /prefer ❌ N/A
Upscale Variations



npm install midjourney-discord-api

ESM nodeJS

import Midjourney from "midjourney-discord-api";

const cli = new Midjourney("interaction.txt");
const msgs = await cli.getMessages();
console.log(msgs.length + " messages visibles"); // by default get 50 messages


import Midjourney from "https://deno.land/x/midjourney_discord_api/mod.ts";

Token / ids extraction.

  • Open your webbrowser
  • Go to your discord channel
  • Open the developent bar
  • Go to network
  • Send a request to discordBot, like /settings
  • Left click on the https://discord.com/api/v9/interactions request.
  • Click Copy
  • Click Copy as fetch
  • Save this request in a file, that you will provide to the Midjourney constructor. (for my Test I name this file interaction.txt)


Here are some examples of how to use the Midjourney class:

Describe URL

import Midjourney from "midjourney-discord-api";

const client = new Midjourney("interaction.txt");
await client.connectWs(); // Used Websocket to boost detection. (experiental)
const prompts: string[] = await client.describeUrl(
  /* add optional progress function (percent) => void*/
console.log("reversed prompt: ", prompts);


import Midjourney from "midjourney-discord-api";

const client = new Midjourney("interaction.txt");
await client.connectWs(); // Used Websocket to boost detection. (experiental)
const msg = await client.imagine(
  "A photo of an astronaut riding a horse", 
  /* add optional progress function (percent) => void */
console.log("you find your result here: ", msg.attachments[0].url);


 * Upscale the first none upscaled images in chat, searching from the newest to the oldest images
import Midjourney from "midjourney-discord-api";

 * Variant the last image available in chat
const client = new Midjourney("interaction.txt");
await client.connectWs(); // Used Websocket to boost detection. (experiental)
const msgs = await client.getMessages();
for (const msg of msgs) {
  if (!msg.canVariant()) {
  for (let i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
    const v = msg.canVariant(i)
    if (v) {
      console.log(`Variant image ${v.custom_id} from ${msg.id}: ${msg.prompt?.prompt}`);
      const result = await msg.variant(i /* , add optional progress function (percent) => void */);
      await result.download(0, "images");
      break main;


 * Variant the last image available in chat
const client = new Midjourney("interaction.txt");
await client.connectWs(); // Used Websocket to boost detection. (experiental)
const msgs = await client.getMessages();
for (const msg of msgs) {
  if (!msg.canVariant()) {
  for (let i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
    const v = msg.canVariant(i)
    if (v) {
      console.log(`Variant image ${v.custom_id} from ${msg.id}: ${msg.prompt?.prompt}`);
      const result = await msg.variant(i/* , add optional progress function (percent) => void */);
      await result.download(0, "images");
      break main;


import Midjourney from "midjourney-discord-api";

const client = new Midjourney("interaction.txt");
await client.connectWs(); // Used Websocket to boost detection. (experiental)
const msg = await client.imagine(
  "A photo of an astronaut riding a horse",
  /* add optional progress function (percent) => void */
if (msg.canReroll()) {
  const result = msg.reroll(/* add optional progress function (percent) => void */);
  console.log(`upscale V2 Ready from`, result.attachments[0].url);

API Documentation

Refer to the provided method signatures and samples in the original post for detailed information on how to use each method and interface.


We welcome contributions to the midjourney-discord-api project. Please feel free to submit issues, feature requests, and pull requests to improve the project.



This project is licensed under the MIT License.