
Simple chat client and server applications to demonstrate the use of QSslSocket when opening secure connections as a client and accepting secure connections as a server. These examples provide notifications to the user when SSL support is not available, when key and certificate files are needed, and when SSL errors are encountered. The applications were designed to supplement a blog post containing notes about Qt's SSL support.

Primary LanguageC++

QSsl Chat Client and Server
Simple chat client and server applications to demonstrate the use of QSslSocket when opening secure connections as a client and accepting secure connections as a server. These examples provide notifications to the user when SSL support is not available, when key and certificate files are needed, and when SSL errors are encountered. 

The sample applications provided are fully functional chat server and client applications that communicate with SSL sockets.  Sample self-signed certificate and key files are provided for use with the server.

The applications were designed to supplement the following blog post containing notes about Qt's SSL support:
