
libcrashreporter-qt is supposed to provide an easy integration of Google Breakpad crash reporting into a Qt application

Primary LanguageC++


This library is supposed to provide an easy integration of Google Breakpad crash reporting into a Qt application


  • Cross-platform (Linux and Windows currently, Mac OS X probably slightly broken/WIP)
  • Simple API to launch an external crash reporter GUI


  • Add documentation/examples
  • Make lib installable/packagable
  • Tell me!


Is this stable?


Does it work?

It does for me.

Why don't you write a CMake script to link against an external BreakPad release?

BreakPad release?!

Why is the code so ugly?

Because I'm waiting for your pull request to clean it up.

Do you actually know what you're doing with all the string conversions?


How do I install it?

Not at all right now. It's used as a submodule for now.


#tomahawk on Freenode