Python Flight Mechanics Engine

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


No Maintenance Intended

This project is not maintaned anymore by its original authors. If you want to maintain it, feel free to fork this repository and continue pushing there. If there is one fork that is sufficiently maintained, we might consider transferring this project to a different GitHub organization and giving write access to others. Also, take a look at FlightMechanics.jl for a new alternative implementation in Julia.

Description:Python Flight Mechanics Engine
Author:AeroPython Team <aeropython@groups.io>

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If you want to know how PyFME works, how to collaborate or get our contact information, please visit our wiki

Example Notebook

See how it works: visit the our example Notebook!: https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/AeroPython/PyFME/master?urlpath=notebooks%2Fexamples%2FHow%2520it%2520works.ipynb

How to install

PyFME is not yet in PyPI, so you can install directly from the source code:

$ pip install https://github.com/AeroPython/PyFME/archive/0.1.x.zip

If you have git installed, you can also try:

$ pip install git+https://github.com/AeroPython/PyFME.git

If you get any installation or compilation errors, make sure you have the latest pip and setuptools:

$ pip install --upgrade pip setuptools

How to run the tests

Install in editable mode and call py.test:

$ pip install -e .
$ py.test