
date formatting & sorting

Opened this issue · 5 comments

thank you very much for your great work - this vue component truely rocks!
Is there a way to use a date column with formatted cell display (without template slot-scope) so that it is still sortable?

You can format the date to string like YYYY-MM-DD and set the corresponding prop config with sortable: true.

Yes, but I need it formatted with DD.MM.YYYY and/or DD.MM.YYYY, HH:mm:ss. At the moment this doesn't work correctly with sortable: true. Is there an alternative to make it work?

Currentlly no. It needs additional work.

Maybe as new feature for the next release? :) I would donate for that because it's only useful for me with this functionality.

YEAH! Thank you so much.
Now custom slot works great with formatted data and sorting!
Donated :)