
published chapters references

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Each Chapter starts with an opening page. Is it possible to indicated on this page a note that the chapter has been published as a journal paper, with the reference?

If you are using the biblatex package you can use the \fullcite command. For example,

This chapter was published as:

Will compile to:

This chapter was published as:
W. Meert, N. Taghipour, and H. Blockeel (2010). “First-order Bayes-ball”. In: Proceedings ofthe 21th European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML). (Barcelona, Spain, Sept. 20–23, 2010). Volume 6322. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 369–384.

Thanks for the reply, but I actually meant: how to get it on the cover page of a chapter?

It's unclear to me what you mean with 'cover page'. Chapters don't have cover pages, they have a title and then the text starts.

What I mean with the 'cover page' is the very first page of each chapter. It has a very large bold sf font and only shows 'chapter x' and the title of the chapter. The text itself starts on the second page.
I would like to add to that first page a note to say that the chapter has been published as a paper.

What you describe is not the default behaviour, see for example chapter one in the example in the repo.

The template was not up-to-date with the current biblatex version, so I updated that. To see an example of a reference box you can switch on the biblatex package in the template by:

  • Switch commenting on the first and second line in thesis.tex (to activate biblatex)
  • Switch commenting between lines 93 and 95 in thesis.tex (to add extension to bibfile)
  • Uncomment lines 7-12 in chapters/introduction/introduction.tex (to show box with reference)

After running python3 run.py a box is shown under the current chapter title.

The issue is solved. In the end it was caused by a to me unexpected behavior (entering a \newpage) of including text from elsewhere. After reorganising the tex files everything sorted out well. Thanks for looking into the matter.