
Includegraphics in appendix chapter

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Using includegraphics inside an appendix chapter always results in a "file not found" error

However, in "thesis.tex", if I use includechapter{appendix} instead of includeappendix{appendix}, the figure is successfully included.

What could be the problem here? I'm using version 1.2 of the adsphd template

Update pushed. Can you check whether it works for you?

is the update in v1.2 or in the current version? Because if I simply replace adsphd.cls in my files, I run into trouble with the \todo{}'s (undefined control sequence \todo)

The problem with the appendix is solved with the new adsphd.cls, but for some reason I had to explicitly add usepackage{todonotes} to thesis.tex.

\usepackage{todonotes} moved to defs.tex and is not part of adsphd.cls anymore.