
Bibliography layout different depending on source

Closed this issue · 2 comments


There are significant differences in the layout of sources depending on their type which make the manuscript less clean to read through:


I use different types of sources in my bibliography::

  • article
  • inproceedings
  • inbook
  • book
  • PhDThesis
  • misc
  • mastersthesis

Some annoying layout differences are:

  • some titles use for each word a capital, others don't
  • some sources have titles in italic, other sources the conference
  • sometimes year between brackets, sometimes not

Why is this?
Do everybody just use this standard, or do you adapt it?
How can I best change this, without having to manually change each entry (which are close to 90)



The template does not enforce any style. In thesis.tex it loads the default bibtex settings for ACM. You can change thesis.tex to use any bibtex or biblatex style you wish.