
Symmetric margins and binding

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This might be a bit of an odd question, but I was looking at dissertations I presume were written with this template, and I see the same thing I see with my own pdf: the margins are the same for the even and the odd pages. I wonder if this could cause any problems when binding, as I would have assumed that odd pages should have a bigger margin on the left side, while even pages should have a bigger margin on the right side. Does anyone have any experience about this?

Thank you in advance for any help.

I completely forgot that I had asked this question. But since then I have taken my dissertation to a printing service, and there was no problem at all with the margins. So I believe my question was answered in a sense.

Hi Wirth, to which printing shop did you take it to? Also did you remove the box around the text (on all pages) , when you took your file to the print-shop ?

I live in Hungary, and the printing shop I used is also here, so the location probably would not be very helpful. But I would assume that print-shops in Leuven are just as competent, and so if it was not a problem here, it should not be a problem there either.

As far as I remember the box around the text was only there in the draft version, so once I added 'final' to class options, it was not a problem anymore.

The text is indeed centered. For print shops this is typically no problem as a perfect bound is used and they can adapt this themselves by shifting the page.

When you would use a binding method such as saddle, comb or spiral bound, this would be different (and can be achieved by changing the settings for the geometry package in the template).