
How to use pdf_tex in new version of template?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I am trying to add a pdf_tex figure to a chapter:
\caption{Some caption}

This doesn't work in the new template. The error I get is:
! LaTeX Error: File `image/CV.pdf_tex' not found, while the figure is there.
I've plugged in my chapter into an older version of the template, and there it does work.

This question on StackOverflow suggests adding the import package when the image is in a subfolder (image/ in your case), or adding \graphicspath{{image/}} to the preamble.

Thanks for your suggestions. The import package is used and adding \graphicspath{{image/}} does not solve the problem. For other type of figures (.jpg, .png, ...) , I don't have a problem. It related to the fact that it is a .pdf_tex or that the \input is used.

You should also only need one of the solutions, not both.

Can you try import instead of input?

\import{chapters/chaptername/image/}{CV.pdf_tex} does the trick!
Thanks a lot!