
package installation does not work

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi all,

I just started using the template, and it seems I'm unable to install the required packages, both using the python compiler run.me and using texmaker.
In the picture below, the error I get. I get the same error also with other packages.

I'm failing to understand what the problem is.

Hi Dario.

The first window ('The required file xxx is missing') is simply MikTex saying that you don't have the package (iftex in this case) installed which your file uses. Just press 'Install' and try again.
Especially when starting from a fresh installation you will get these messages.

Hi Thijs,

Thank you for the answer.
Unfortunately I does not matter how many times I click install or I restart the software, nothing seems to get installed, and the package is always missing.

I would recommend checking wether your MiKTeX installation is up to date, and trying to install the package using MiKTeX's package manager. Otherwise, your MiKTeX installation might be broken.

Do take note that this repository is not the best place to seek help with general LaTeX problems (as you seem to be having), searching or posting on TeX Stackoverflow will get you more help.
Here, we can only help with issues specific to the ADS PhD template.