
I can do it with 9!

Closed this issue · 2 comments

from sys import stdin

def encode_char(char):
	return "chr({0})".format("+1" * ord(char))

def encode_string(string):
	return "+".join(map(encode_char, string))

def encode_code(code):
	return "exec({0})".format(encode_string(code))

code = stdin.read()


Running this with 'print("Hello World")' gives


which uses only 9 distinct chars and works just as well.

Haha nice! I didn't want to use 1 because I started off trying to avoid alphanumeric chars, but this does work -- though some could argue encoding strings as '+'-joined-1's look less aesthetically cool :p

I wonder, now, how we could use a small subset of characters that make the resulting esoteric python aesthetically pleasing / themed.

If I replace exec with eval and +1 with +all(()), it needs 10 chars...
No numbers this time, still better ;)