Plugin gives warning that version is wrong, but the folder is correct?
Closed this issue · 2 comments
Hi everyone, I keep getting warnings that the version is wrong?
I got the same problem and finally solved it by myself.
In the plugin floder (C:\Users\ [UserName] \AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\Unity Shader) there's a setting file naming "UnityShader.sublime-settings", but in the plugin code file ( there are some codes like:
sublime.load_settings("Unity Shader.sublime-settings")
There's an extra white space between "Unity" and "Shader", so just delete the white space in every string like this will solve this problem.
Hoping the developer fix this soon...
Sorry for that.
It is a mistake in development. I not discover it in my develpment enviorment, because the threre already is a file which named "Unity Shader.sublime-setting" (with WHITESPACE in file name) in [Packages/User] folder. Then it seems to work well and I didn't discover the mistake.
Finally, thanks for @ninja542 and @guigui17f . I see the issue just now, and it has fixed. Welcome to feedback any problem.