Warcraft2 crash with a customized pud
jonolemon opened this issue · 5 comments
jonolemon commented
a crash appeared after some times ... (kernel panic)
sauvez le mage.pud.zip
jonolemon commented
jeanguyomarch commented
I can observe very weird behaviours:
- the red shipyard and foundry can be built onto...
- the red tanker created by the AI is going nuts...
- after quitting the game DOSBox says "Error GDS heap corrupt"
So I guess there is something wrong with the placed shipyard/foundry... will investigate...
jeanguyomarch commented
Mhh... ok I get it. The oil patch is misaligned.
I think that is required because water units can only move 2 cells at the time. So a fix would be to prevent creating oil patches that are on odd cells (starting at 0,0). As a temporary workaround, you can move your oil patch one cell up and one cell to the left.
jeanguyomarch commented
Turns out we needed to prevent from placing wells on even cells instead of odd.
jonolemon commented
Well done !