- Part 0: Fundamentals of Web apps
- Part 1: Introduction to React
- Part 2: Communicating with server
- Part 3: Programming a server with NodeJS and Express
- Part 4: Testing Express servers, user administration
- Part 5: Testing React apps
- Part 6: Advanced state management
- Part 7: React router, custom hooks, styling app with CSS and webpack
- Part 8: GraphQL
- Part 9: TypeScript
- Part 10: React Native
- Part 11: CI/CD
- Part 12: Containers
- Part 13: Using relational databases
$ neofetch --off
OS: EndeavourOS Linux x86_64
Kernel: 6.6.8-zen1-1-zen
Shell: zsh 5.9
DE: Plasma 5.27.10
Installing required packages
$ sudo pacman -S --needed nodejs npm pnpm unzip
$ node --version
$ npm --version
$ pnpm --version
Installing bun (it requires to restart terminal):
$ curl -fsSL https://bun.sh/install | bash
$ bun --version
Creating and running first React app with JS and Vite by using NPM:
$ npm create vite@latest first_react_app -- --template react
$ cd first_react_app
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
Creating and running a React app with JS and Vite by using PNPM:
$ pnpm create vite courseinfo --template react
$ cd courseinfo
$ pnpm install
$ pnpm run dev
Creating and running a React app with TS and Vite by using BUN:
$ bunx create-vite courseinfo2 --template react-ts
$ cd courseinfo2
$ bun install
$ bunx --bun vite
flag tells Bun to run Vite's CLI using bun instead of node. To simplify this command, update the "dev" script in package.json (see reference).
Creating two apps for exercises:
$ bunx create-vite unicafe --template react
$ bunx create-vite anecdotes --template react
Creating one app in TS for exercise:
$ bunx create-vite courseinfo_ts --template react-ts
$ bunx create-vite phonebook --template react
$ bunx create-vite phonebook_ts --template react-ts
Add json-server
to myapp_2 app into devDependencies section:
$ cd part02/myapp_2
$ bun install --dev json-server
$ bunx json-server --port 3001 --watch db.json
Installing axios library to project:
$ bun install axios
Modify package.json file to add this statement into scripts section:
"server": "bunx json-server --port 3001 --watch db.json"
Then we can use it by running:
$ bun run server
Creating React-Vite app in TS for exercise:
$ bunx create-vite countriesinfo_ts --template react-ts
$ cd countriesinfo_ts
$ bun install && bun install axios
$ export VITE_SECRET_KEY="123456789" && bun run dev
Create a simple server with Bun.serve for TS:
$ mkdir -p bun_server_1 && cd $_ && bun init -y
$ bun --hot index.ts
Create a simple server with Elysia for TS:
$ bun create elysia bun_server_2
$ bun run dev
Create a simple server with Elysia for exercise:
$ bun create elysia phonebook_server
$ bun add ansis
$ bun run dev
This server was created separate with its own repository as requested by the exercise.
There was a need to modify tsconfig.json:
"target": "ES2022",
"lib": [],
To enable server manages CORS, install this plugin:
server> $ bun add @elysiajs/cors
and add these lines into index.ts
file in server:
import cors from "@elysiajs/cors";
.use(cors({methods: '*'}))
Link to Notes server: https://fso2023-notes-server.onrender.com
Link to PhoneBook server: https://fso2023-phonebook-server.onrender.com
Submissions made by William Arcaya C. for Full Stack Open 2023-2024