
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Full Stack Open 2023


  • Part 0: Fundamentals of Web apps
  • Part 1: Introduction to React
  • Part 2: Communicating with server
  • Part 3: Programming a server with NodeJS and Express
  • Part 4: Testing Express servers, user administration
  • Part 5: Testing React apps
  • Part 6: Advanced state management
  • Part 7: React router, custom hooks, styling app with CSS and webpack
  • Part 8: GraphQL
  • Part 9: TypeScript
  • Part 10: React Native
  • Part 11: CI/CD
  • Part 12: Containers
  • Part 13: Using relational databases

Part 1


$ neofetch --off
OS: EndeavourOS Linux x86_64 
Kernel: 6.6.8-zen1-1-zen 
Shell: zsh 5.9 
DE: Plasma 5.27.10 

Installing required packages

$ sudo pacman -S --needed nodejs npm pnpm unzip
$ node --version           
$ npm --version 
$ pnpm --version 

Installing bun (it requires to restart terminal):

$ curl -fsSL https://bun.sh/install | bash 
$ bun --version

Creating and running first React app with JS and Vite by using NPM:

$ npm create vite@latest first_react_app -- --template react
$ cd first_react_app
$ npm install
$ npm run dev

Creating and running a React app with JS and Vite by using PNPM:

$ pnpm create vite courseinfo --template react
$ cd courseinfo
$ pnpm install
$ pnpm run dev

Creating and running a React app with TS and Vite by using BUN:

$ bunx create-vite courseinfo2 --template react-ts
$ cd courseinfo2
$ bun install
$ bunx --bun vite

The --bun flag tells Bun to run Vite's CLI using bun instead of node. To simplify this command, update the "dev" script in package.json (see reference).

Creating two apps for exercises:

$ bunx create-vite unicafe --template react
$ bunx create-vite anecdotes --template react

Part 2

Creating one app in TS for exercise:

$ bunx create-vite courseinfo_ts --template react-ts
$ bunx create-vite phonebook --template react
$ bunx create-vite phonebook_ts --template react-ts

Add json-server to myapp_2 app into devDependencies section:

$ cd part02/myapp_2
$ bun install --dev json-server
$ bunx json-server --port 3001 --watch db.json

Installing axios library to project:

$ bun install axios

Modify package.json file to add this statement into scripts section:

  "server": "bunx json-server --port 3001 --watch db.json"

Then we can use it by running:

$ bun run server

Creating React-Vite app in TS for exercise:

$ bunx create-vite countriesinfo_ts --template react-ts
$ cd countriesinfo_ts 
$ bun install && bun install axios
$ export VITE_SECRET_KEY="123456789" && bun run dev

Part 3

Create a simple server with Bun.serve for TS:

$ mkdir -p bun_server_1 && cd $_ && bun init -y
$ bun --hot index.ts 

Create a simple server with Elysia for TS:

$ bun create elysia bun_server_2
$ bun run dev

Create a simple server with Elysia for exercise:

$ bun create elysia phonebook_server
$ bun add ansis
$ bun run dev

This server was created separate with its own repository as requested by the exercise.

There was a need to modify tsconfig.json:

  "target": "ES2022",
  "lib": [],

To enable server manages CORS, install this plugin:

server> $ bun add @elysiajs/cors

and add these lines into index.ts file in server:

import cors from "@elysiajs/cors";
  .use(cors({methods: '*'}))  

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Part 13

Submissions made by William Arcaya C. for Full Stack Open 2023-2024