
Display errors in dashboard line graph

nimatt opened this issue · 7 comments

The dashboard is nice for getting a overview of the current status of the watchers. It is however a little bit difficult to know if a watcher has been shut down or if they are failing. Yes it shows in the pie diagram but I would like a red line for errors in the line diagram as well. Makes sense?

spetz commented

We'll be creating a brand new web panel with custom UI design as a separate application built with AureliaJS and a new HTTP API, therefore I'm not sure if there's a point now to upgrade the actual web app, as it was mostly made as a proof of concept and will be recreated from the scratch. Still, it will take at least a few weeks before we have the first version of new web app, but I think it's more reasonable to put all of the efforts here.

Agreed, if you're making a new panel there is no point in putting time and effort into the old one.

There aren't really any good place for discussion outside of issues. What's your view on contributions? Appreciated or more of an annoyance at the moment?

spetz commented

Contributions are always appreciated, it might just take me some time to "process" them, as I'm focusing on a few different things at the same time :).
I'll also think what can be done in terms of discussions.

Understandable since I'm guessing that you're not getting paid :)

I've been meaning to do some more stuff on .Net Core so it could be interesting to play around with this when I've got time. Do you think you would be able to add some issues here that I could pick up or is there a better way. Wouldn't want to spend time on something that doesn't fit into your view of the project, or that you're already been working on...

You could use something like Slack or Ryver for discussions.

spetz commented

Slack is a good idea, actually, I have one for my small team, so feel free to join warden-stack.slack.com (just send me a message with your email).

Speaking of .NET Core and issues I'll think about it, as currently, I have one more integration to do with the Cachet, but I'd say that you could really think of adding a watcher or integration with any type of resource/service that comes to your mind :).

I was also planning to help my friend work on the new API, so as you can see there's a plenty of new stuff that could be done :). If anything comes to your mind e.g. a new type of watcher, integration or any other feature just let me know and I'm pretty sure we could try to add this to the solution.

Sounds like a plan :)