Extend HttpApi integration with new Warden API endpoint
spetz opened this issue · 10 comments
Could this be why I'm getting errors trying to run the Examples.Console just now, on the hosted version?
Was just giving this a try ;)
What kind of errors do you have?
I just run the Examples.Console with some websites of my own and created a test account on getwarden.net
. The url it's trying to reach is https://panel.getwarden.net/api/organizations/5d8815e9-67d5-444c-8b7d-80dac63584f0/wardens/41ddf414-337a-447e-aac6-ea9fd0380b0d/checks
. I had to figure out that it needed a warden id (or probably needed a warden id), without it the url it tried to post to was badly formatted.
I get a 404 back.
Please use the previous URL - the new extension method is only for the new version of the API that is currently under development.
Cheers! I'm trying to run but that seems to run on an older dnx version. Which commit do you recommend I'd check out to give it a shot?
The one with the release. I'll need to take a look at the DNX versioning when I publish the new packages in a near future. Sometimes I feel a little bit lost with all of these. NET Framework types.
Likewise, it's a bit confusing, it might actually work fine if I install DNX but am happy core1.0 works now ;)
I didn't see a release on the releases page or on the tags page. https://github.com/warden-stack/Warden/releases
Cheers, got it working!
Great :).