
Crawl/mine within <ruby>s

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As I've already pointed out, I have a 5K FREQ web-page (which I've lightened now): https://yadi.sk/d/RzLoothMJwfupw. As I've also bordered out words' readings. For things to be perfect it'd be nice to hover these words and have audios played out. The way to do this is to give the extension an ability to crawl within html ruby tags as I tend to think.

I may be missing things. If it's already a feature, please point it out.

Screenshot_2019-10-29 Screenshot
My setup

It can access the insides of ruby tags if you mouse over the ruby text, but it has to be in kana or kanji. Nazeka can't recognize romaji. Is there more going on here that I'm not understanding?

It can access the insides of ruby tags if you mouse over the ruby text, but it has to be in kana or kanji. Nazeka can't recognize romaji. Is there more going on here that I'm not understanding?

Is it possible to play rubied kanjis/words (exact ones within a ruby html tag, not rt tag, and not always dictionary's longest which are set by default to "1") instead of rubies, just for it to be more ergonomic? Ruby text is sort of small to pinpoint it every time.

If I hover kore in chokoreーto, I will get kore by dictionary, so I don't want that - I want it all. Or in 彼とレストラン if you hover と you get toreru for suggestions while I better get just と. Is it possible to add a "look up just a ruby insides while hovering one of its symbols" switch or anything like that, without analyzing metrics?

I see, you want it to not try to parse from where the mouse is, but rather from the start of the ruby element. At least with an option. That's an interesting request, but it would be very annoying to implement. I'll put it on the "I might do this some day but not promises" list.