
Feature-Request Play random episode via jsonrpc

mrchainman opened this issue · 4 comments

I don't know if this is already possible with the addon, if so could you provide an example?
I'd like to be able to send a jsonrpc request to kodi to start playing a random episode.
This would be useful to automate it with homeassistant for example.


there is a custom path on the plugin which returns a random episode and based on the configuration can be auto-played.

Thanks for the quick reposnse, play random directly is set to true, I just can't figure out the right path.

-d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Player.Open", "params": { "item": { "file": "plugin://plugin.video.southpark_unofficial/????" } }, "id": 1 }' \

Where I put ???? in the path, what should go there? I tried putting in "random", "playrandom" but I get errors saying ERROR : [sp.addon] strptime() argument 0 must be str, not <class 'list'>
So apparently I am not calling it directly

i think is plugin://plugin.video.southpark_unofficial?mode=sp:random you can easily verify this by reading the logs after selecting from the menu the random option

Awesome! works!
Thanks very much, issue can be closed :)