
esp32-rtf doesn't work

nodi-andy opened this issue · 5 comments

i call https://192.168.local.ip/esp32-rtf or i click the button "Reset to configuration mode" but can not get the initial version to upload new FW or use OTA.

Is there a known bug?

Are you using 6bbf538 ?

Which browser are you using?

no, not so fresh. i have this one:
commit d4969b8
Date: Mon Sep 25 17:10:41 2017 +0800
with current chrome (Version 61.0.3163.100)

is it insecure to reset using sockets?
If i could find the command in source, i would call using any other way but couldn't figure it out

I can't make an update because of bug #17

Latest -factory, pressing the reset button works fine for me, restarts to whatever is in OTA.

Latest -test-server ota, pressing the reset to configuration button resets to factory... I think no problem...

For security, you don't have to include that plugin. Just don't add it to the list of protocols by commenting this in main/main.c

        LWS_PLUGIN_PROTOCOL_ESPLWS_RTF, /* helper protocol to allow reset to factory */