By Peng-Shuai Wang, Yang Liu, Yu-Xiao Guo, Chun-Yu Sun and Xin Tong.
Internet Graphics Group, Microsoft Research Asia.
This repository contains the implementation of O-CNN introduced in our Siggraph 2017 paper "O-CNN: Octree-based Convolutional Neural Networks for 3D Shape Analysis". The code is released under the MIT license.
If you use our code or models, please cite our paper.
@article {Wang-2017-OCNN,
title = {O-CNN: Octree-based Convolutional Neural Networks for 3D Shape Analysis},
author = {Wang, Peng-Shuai and Liu, Yang and Guo, Yu-Xiao and Sun, Chun-Yu and Tong, Xin},
journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH)},
volume = {36},
number = {4},
year = {2017},
O-CNN is built upon the Caffe framework and it supports octree-based convolution, deconvolution, pooling, and unpooling. The code has been tested on the Windows 10 x64 (It can be also built on the Ubuntu 16.04). Its installation is as follows:
- Clone Caffe with revision
- The code for O-CNN is contained in the directory
. Clone and put it into the Caffe directory. - Follow the installation instructions of Caffe to build the code to get the executive files
: Compared with the original code used in the experiments of our paper, the code in this repository is refactored for the readability and maintainability, with the sacrifice of speed (it is about 10% slower, but it is more memory-efficient). If you want to try the original code or do some speed comparisons with our O-CNN
, feel free to drop me an email, we can share the original code with you.
: To build the code on the Ubuntu 16.04, you should first manually install the glog
and gflag
by using the following command: sudo apt-get install libgflags libgoogle-glog-dev
, and then add the following line set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} --std=c++11")
in the Line 60
of the CMakeLists.txt
Our O-CNN takes the octree representation of 3D objects as input. The efficient octree data structure is described in our paper. For convenience, we provide a reference implementation to convert the point cloud with oriented normal to our octree format.
Furthermore, we also provide a tool to convert the octree file into ply files, which contains the coordinate of the finest leaf nodes and the corresponding normal signal. Note that when the leaf node is empty, the value of normal signal is (0, 0, 0).
The code is contained in the directory octree
, along with the Microsoft Visual studio 2015 solution file, which can be built to obtain the executable file octree.exe
and octree2PLY.exe
: To build the octree, the bounding sphere of the object is needed to be computed. The initial version of our code is built upon the bound sphere library from this link. However, we remove it from our code due to the licence issue. To reproduce the results in our paper, it is highly recommended to download the bound sphere library. For more details, please refer to the comments in the file octree/Octree/main.cpp
The experiments in our paper can be reproduced as follows.
For achieving better performance, we store all the octree inputs in a leveldb
or lmdb
database. Here are the details how to generate databases for O-CNN.
Download and unzip the corresponding 3D model dataset (like the ModelNet40 dataset) into a folder.
Convert all the models (in OBJ/OFF format) to dense point clouds with normals (in
format). For the definition ofPOINTS
format, please refer to the functionvoid load_pointcloud()
defined in the fileoctree/Octree/main.cpp
. Note that some OFF files in the dataset may not be loaded by the tools I provided. It is easy to fix these files. Just open them using any text editor and break the first line after the charactersOFF
. As detailed in our paper, we build a virtual scanner and shoot rays to calculate the intersection points and oriented normals. The executable files and source code can be downloaded here. -
Run the tool
to convert point clouds into the octree files.Usage: Octree <filelist> [depth] [full_layer] [displacement] [augmentation] [segmentation] filelist: a text file of which each line specifies the full path name of a POINTS file depth: the maximum depth of the octree tree full_layer: which layer of the octree is full. suggested value: 2 displacement: the offset value for handing extremely thin shapes: suggested value: 0.55 segmentation: a boolean value indicating whether the output is for the segmentation task. Usage: Octree2Ply <filelist> [segmentation] filelist: a text file of which each line specifies the full path name of a octree file segmentation: a boolean value indicating whether the octree is for the segmentation task
Convert all the octrees into a
database by the toolconvert_octree_data.exe
The instruction to run the shape classification experiment:
- Download the ModelNet40 dataset, and convert it to a
database as described above. Here we provide almdb
database with 5-depth octrees for convenience. - Download the
protocol buffer files, which are contained in the foldercaffe/examples/o-cnn
. - Configure the path of the database and run
according to the instructions of Caffe. We also provide our pre-trained Caffe model incaffe/examples/o-cnn
The instruction to run the shape retrieval experiment:
Download the dataset from SHREC16, and convert it to a
database as described above.Note
: the upright direction of the 3D models in theShapeNet55
axis. When generating octree files, please uncommentline 95
in the fileoctree/Octree/main.cpp
and rebuild the code. Here we provide the lmdb databases with 5-depth octrees for convenience, just download the files prefixed withS55
and un-zip them. -
Follow the same approach as the classification task to train the O-CNN with the
protocal filesS55_5.prototxt
, which are contained in the foldercaffe/examples/o-cnn
. -
In the retrieval experiment, the
orientation pooling
is used to achieve better performance, which can be perfromed following the steps below.-
Generate feature for each object. For example, to generate the feature for the training data, open the file
, uncomment line 275~283, set thesource
in line 27 to thetraining lmdb
, set thebatch_size
in line 28 to 1, and run the following command.caffe.exe test --model=S55_5.prototxt --weights=S55_5.caffemodel --blob_prefix=feature/S55_5_train_ --gpu=0 --save_seperately=false --iterations=[the training object number]
Similarly, the feature for the validation data and testing data can also be generated. Then we can get three binary files,
S55_5_train_feature.dat, S55_5_val_feature.dat and S55_5_test_feature.dat
, containing the features of the training, validation and testing data respectively.-
Pool the features of the same object. There are 12 features for each object since each object is rotated 12 times. We use max-pooling to merge these features.
feature_pooling.exe --feature=feature/S55_5_train_feature.dat --number=12 --dbname=feature/S55_5_train_lmdb --data=[the data list file name]
Then we can get the feature of training, validation and testing data after pooling, contained in the
Fine tune the
layers of O-CNN, i.e. using thesolver_S55_5_finetune.prototxt
to re-train theFC
layers.caffe.exe train --solver=solver_S55_5_finetune.prototxt --weights=S55_5.caffemodel
Finally, dump the probabilities of each testing objects. Open the file
, uncomment the line 120 ~ 129, set thebatch_size
in line 27 to 1, change thesource
in line 26 tofeature/S55_5_test_lmdb
, and run the following command.caffe.exe test --model=S55_5_finetune.prototxt --weights=S55_5_finetune.caffemodel --blob_prefix=feature/S55_test_ --gpu=0 --save_seperately=false --iterations=[...]
Use the matlab script
, contained in the foldercaffe/examples/o-cnn
, to generate the final retrieval result. And evaluated it by the javascript code provided by SHREC16.
The instruction to run the segmentation experiment:
The original part annotation data is provided as the supplemental material of the work "A Scalable Active Framework for Region Annotation in 3D Shape Collections". As detailed in Section 5.3 of our paper, the point cloud in the original dataset is relatively sparse and the normal information is missing. We convert the sparse point clouds to dense points with normal information and correct part annotation. Here is one converted dataset for your convenience, and the dense point clouds with
segmentation labels
can be downloaded here. -
Run the
to convert these point clouds to octree files. Note that you should set the parameterSegmentation
to 1 when running theoctree.exe
. Then you can get the octree files, which also contains the segmentation label. -
Convert the dataset to a
database. Since the segmentation label is contained in each octree file, the object label for each octree file can be set to any desirable value. And the object label is just ignored in the segmentation task. -
Download the protocol buffer files, which are contained in the folder
as detailed in our paper, the training parameters are tuned and the pre-trained model from the retrieval task is used when the training dataset is relatively small. More details will be released soon. -
In the testing stage, the output label and probability of each finest leaf node can also be obtained. Specifically, open the file
, uncomment line 458~485, , set thebatch_size
in line 31 to 1, and run the following command to dump the result.caffe.exe test --model=segmentation_5.prototxt --weights=segmentation_5.caffemodel --gpu=0 --blob_prefix=feature/segmentation_5_test_ --binary_mode=false --save_seperately=true --iterations=[...]
For CRF refinement, please refer to the code provided here. We will provide the automated tool soon.
We thank the authors of ModelNet, ShapeNet and Region annotation dataset for sharing their 3D model datasets with the public.
Please contact us (Pengshuai Wang, Yang Liu ) if you have any problem about our implementation or request to access all the datasets.