subscribeToOpenBookMarkets seems to be unable to receive new token from
icaca opened this issue · 9 comments
Pump was attacked by hackers a few days ago. I don’t know what adjustments they made. I couldn’t receive any notifications from them about pool events. It was ok before that. uses this wallet(39azUYFWPz3VHgKCf3VChUwbpURdCHRxjWVowf5jUJjg) to publish new coins to Raydium and add liquidity
I monitored his wallet and sniped it. I tried printing the pool events, but it never seemed to prompt that the sniped currency appeared.
i dont get your point. the bot listened from solscan, so every new token should be lietened no matter if it is published on
Thank you for your feedback
I wrote a small piece of code to explain my recent troubles
I want to get the pool information from getProgramAccounts. This mint has added liquidity in raydium
base = new PublicKey('PUPS8ZgJ5po4UmNDfqtDMCPP6M1KP3EEzG9Zufcwzrg')
AmmV4= new PublicKey('675kPX9MHTjS2zt1qfr1NYHuzeLXfQM9H24wFSUt1Mp8'),
let baseAccounts = await this.connection.getProgramAccounts(AmmV4, {
filters: [
{ dataSize: LIQUIDITY_STATE_LAYOUT_V4.span },
memcmp: {
offset: LIQUIDITY_STATE_LAYOUT_V4.offsetOf("baseMint"),
bytes: base.toBase58(),
memcmp: {
offset: LIQUIDITY_STATE_LAYOUT_V4.offsetOf("quoteMint"),
I found that the obtained basemint and quotemint are opposite
status: "06"
nonce: "fe"
maxOrder: "07"
depth: "03"
baseDecimal: "09"
quoteDecimal: "06"
state: "01"
resetFlag: "00"
minSize: "989680"
volMaxCutRatio: "01f4"
amountWaveRatio: "4c4b40"
baseLotSize: "989680"
quoteLotSize: "989680"
minPriceMultiplier: "01"
maxPriceMultiplier: "3b9aca00"
systemDecimalValue: "3b9aca00"
minSeparateNumerator: "05"
minSeparateDenominator: "2710"
tradeFeeNumerator: "19"
tradeFeeDenominator: "2710"
pnlNumerator: "0c"
pnlDenominator: "64"
swapFeeNumerator: "19"
swapFeeDenominator: "2710"
baseNeedTakePnl: "00"
quoteNeedTakePnl: "00"
quoteTotalPnl: "00"
baseTotalPnl: "00"
poolOpenTime: "00"
punishPcAmount: "00"
punishCoinAmount: "00"
orderbookToInitTime: "00"
swapBaseInAmount: "3d43a479f3"
swapQuoteOutAmount: "0652e9d0b7a45a"
swapBase2QuoteFee: "04b0cf564f64"
swapQuoteInAmount: "075443f6db3472"
swapBaseOutAmount: "47af45cedc"
swapQuote2BaseFee: "27358803"
baseVault: "DQATWdgELBfpRJxGRrndodbEs8yGZCnzLUPpUa2rDVT"
quoteVault: "FF4DCs7yjA3SEjpeKsiKCEFMVscuYPdnrWJQVuUAx9gg"
baseMint: "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112"
quoteMint: "4PhoH7mG9m1MrKeAu2f5Mp9ccYT8Jn1oNaqVYXEApump"
lpMint: "HeifFbDr4k1HaLmCRnDh9ZdbammDq3JVr3kciWTToSjL"
openOrders: "C8n8S6fu4aZhqMuBNEBYmHP6iKJStjVui2Jcr9vNm241"
marketId: "F9rYSFpSnGgBdmn3V5LvABVCL8bJt62EtUnrhE8fjgMz"
marketProgramId: "srmqPvymJeFKQ4zGQed1GFppgkRHL9kaELCbyksJtPX"
targetOrders: "835mCzyMZv4oxNZ2CY32opEqANQCieUrCLpzghM31CyF"
withdrawQueue: "11111111111111111111111111111111"
lpVault: "11111111111111111111111111111111"
owner: "GThUX1Atko4tqhN2NaiTazWSeFWMuiUvfFnyJyUghFMJ"
lpReserve: "03ad583b4424"
padding: [
hey mate do you know how to listen new token on pump dot fun? I tried this guy's bot.ts but it still did not work.
I have not tried to monitor their liquidity events recently. Instead, I monitor the transers of certain wallets, and then filter out transactions for purchasing tokens, and then trigger the purchase of the pool.
The following code can be used to query the mint of the, but its basemint and quoteVault are reversed. Then I used the purchase method in his code.
private async getPoolID(baseString: string): Promise<any> {
let base = new PublicKey(baseString);
const quote = getToken(QUOTE_MINT);
const commitment: Commitment = "confirmed";
const id = new PublicKey(baseString)
// const accountInfo = await this.connection.getAccountInfo(id)
// if (accountInfo === null) throw Error(' get pool info error ')
// const poolData = PoolInfoLayout.decode(
// const metadataPDA = getPdaMetadataKey(base);
// const metadataAccount = await this.connection.getAccountInfo(metadataPDA.publicKey, this.connection.commitment);
// var name =''
// if (metadataAccount &&{
// const deserialize = this.metadataSerializer.deserialize(;
// name = `${deserialize[0].name} (${deserialize[0].symbol}) `
// }
try {
// First try with base
logger.trace(`Fetching pool for ${base.toBase58()}`)
let baseAccounts = await this.connection.getProgramAccounts(MAINNET_PROGRAM_ID.AmmV4, {
filters: [
{ dataSize: LIQUIDITY_STATE_LAYOUT_V4.span },
memcmp: {
offset: LIQUIDITY_STATE_LAYOUT_V4.offsetOf("baseMint"),
bytes: base.toBase58(),
memcmp: {
offset: LIQUIDITY_STATE_LAYOUT_V4.offsetOf("quoteMint"),
if (!baseAccounts || baseAccounts.length == 0) {
baseAccounts = await this.connection.getProgramAccounts(MAINNET_PROGRAM_ID.AmmV4, {
filters: [
{ dataSize: LIQUIDITY_STATE_LAYOUT_V4.span },
memcmp: {
offset: LIQUIDITY_STATE_LAYOUT_V4.offsetOf("baseMint"),
memcmp: {
offset: LIQUIDITY_STATE_LAYOUT_V4.offsetOf("quoteMint"),
bytes: base.toBase58(),
// //
logger.trace(`Found ${baseAccounts.length} pools for ${base.toBase58()}`)
if (baseAccounts.length > 0) {
// const accountInfo = LIQUIDITY_STATE_LAYOUT_V4.decode(baseAccounts[0];
// const accountId = baseAccounts[0].pubkey;
return baseAccounts[0];
return null;
} catch (error) {
return null;
getProgramAccounts and onProgramAccountChange have similar filtering parameters and return values. I hope this helps.
I need only pump coins, as I understand I need to make changes in the listeners.ts Any ideas?