
Build Warp for Windows

gagata opened this issue Β· 19 comments

Similarly to the Linux support - ability to run Warp on Windows machines. Adding here to track interest.

Please subscribe if you want to be notified as we make progress.

How important is this feature to you?

Please add a πŸ‘ to the original post at the top to signal that you want this feature, and subscribe if you'd like to be notified. We'll be posting updates on this thread (if/when this is being worked on).

Please avoid comments with spam-like "+1" or πŸ‘ .

Feb 2024 Update:
We'll be tracking support for Warp for Linux on WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) separately here #4240
To be clear, we are still working on making a native Warp for Windows (exe), which we will post about on this thread later this year so stay tuned and/or subscribe to get notified!

#120 is the Linux version of this ticket

+1 for Windows 10 version!

I would like to ask everyone who is excited about the Windows version of Warp to refrain from posting +1 as a comment. I assume a bunch of people is subscribed to this issue besides me and we all get notifications for such comments.

If you are want to show support you can by liking the question as ~150 have done so before.

@NoNameProvided I'll just lock this issue. This should help with notifications.

Note: You won't be able to upvote anymore but the main action item is to GitHub watch this issue (select all activity).

Screen Shot 2022-01-20 at 5 08 06 PM

Hey folks, we'll be tracking support for Warp for Linux on WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) separately here #4240

To be clear, we are still working on making a native Warp for Windows exe, which we will post about on this thread later this year so stay tuned!

Also, I unlocked this thread so everyone can πŸ‘ the main request at the top. Please avoid comments with spam-like "+1" or πŸ‘ .

Hi. I want to join the Warp for Windows waitlist but I can't find where to do it.

I clicked on this link https://www.warp.dev/windows-terminal which leads me to https://www.warp.dev/?windows_waitlist=true but here I don't see any field where I can leave my email to sign up for the waiting list, I only see a field where they email the download links for Linux and Mac.

So how can I get on the waitlist?

So you don't get this? This screenshot was taken on Linux btw.


Not sure if my issue is the same, but mine says "Send download link" not "join waitlist." Maybe you are probing for OS, given I'm visiting that link from my Android phone and not a Windows machine?

@pfeerick No, I only get this image from my Android phone, the screenshot was taken with desktop mode activated


@k3davis I see you also have the same problem as mine. Have you been able to solve it?

@alexlamgit How did you do it?

Website should have a platform selector anyway. Probing user-agent should be for the convience, but selector could help people visiting from Platform A for Platform B details.

@pfeerick No, I only get this image from my Android phone, the screenshot was taken with desktop mode activated


@k3davis I see you also have the same problem as mine. Have you been able to solve it?

@alexlamgit How did you do it?

When you access this page you should be able to see the e-mail field at the bottom, like this:

You probably need to access that page from a Windows machine. Or maybe changing the browser agent to a Windows one.

I think you are right. I'll try changing the user agent, I hadn't thought of this before.

Edit: I'm using kiwi browser, a browser that supports Chrome extensions. I have installed some extensions to change the user agent but so far no extension has been able to show me the window to join the waiting list. I will keep trying

I was having the same issue as you on my phone but I signed in to the waitlist soon as I used my Windows laptop.

I tried using warp inside wsl2, all the functionalities seem to be working fine but seem to lag a bit. Anyone tried using it with WSL2 please share your experience.

Hey folks, we locked the thread. For updates on native Warp for Windows, please submit your email to get notified here or stay subscribed to this thread.

Regarding WSL support, we'll be tracking support for Warp for Linux on WSL separately here (that thread includes a lot of discussion on workarounds) #4240

We hope to have more news later this year! 🀞

Hi all! We’ve begun to scope out our Warp on Windows build. We’re looking for some community feedback on what shells to support. Please check out this form (only 5 questions!) here

Hi all! We've made progress on our Warp on Windows build and have a 5 question follow-up survey about Windows and Powershell functionality to inform our roadmap here!

Thank you for your support!