TRIBE Coding Challenge



TRIBE is a marketplace that assists social media influencers monitise their social media posts through paid collaborations with brands. A social media influencer is someone with an audience >3000 followers on Instagram. Brands pay social media influencers to promote their products and services through sponsored posts to the influencers social media channel and audience. The social media influencer can choose to promote the brand using static images, through motion using video and audio.


Social media influencers have been basing the price of their social media post on a single post basis. So If a brand required 10 posts (for example spread over a period) then they would be charged 10x the cost of a single post. TRIBE has decided to allow social media influencers to sell posts in bundles and charge the brand on a per bundle basis. So if the influencer sold image based posts in bundles of 5 and 10 and brand ordered 15 they would get a bundle of 10 and a bundle of 5.

TRIBE currently allows the influencer to monetise the following submission formats:

Format Code Bundles
Image IMG 5 @ $450
10 @ $800
Audio FLAC 3 @ $427.50
6 @ $810
9 @ $1147.50
Video VID 3 @ $570.50
5 @ $900
9 @ $1530


Given a brands order, you are required to determine the cost and bundle breakdown for each submission format. For simplicity, each order should contain the minimal number of bundles.


Each order has a series of lines with each line containing the number of items followed by the submission format code

An example input: 10 IMG 15 FLAC 13 VID


A successfully passing test(s) that demonstrates the following output: (The format of the output is not important)

10 IMG $800
1 x 10 $800

15 FLAC $1957.50
1 x 9 $1147.50
1 x 6 $810

13 VID $2370
2 x 5 $1800
1 x 3 $570

How to run the application


You should have the following installed to be able to test this application locally:

  • rvm
  • ruby 2.6.6


  • Install RVM (Ruby Version Manager).

    curl -L | bash -s stable

  • Install Ruby

    rvm install ruby-2.6.6

  • Install Bundler (gem management tool).

    gem install bundler
  • Clone the application and install dependencies

    git clone`
    cd brand-bundles
    bundle install

Run the application

  1. Inside the application directory (brand-bundles), enter below command:

    ruby bin/brand_bundles_init.rb
  2. Make your input after the prompt below:

    Enter quantity and item code separated by space (e.g. 10 IMG 15 FLAC 13 VID) :

Run the tests
