
Add a flag to return the path to the binary

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
I'm trying to use terraform-switcher in my jenkins and I'm having problems with the symlink and setting the PATH.

Describe the solution you'd like
Add a flag to terraform-switcher that behaves like which, I only want it to return the path to the terraform binary. In our pipeline we deploy lots of different terraform repos so we would like to use the terraform-switcher feature where it automatically determines the version of terraform from the .tf files.

We could then do something like...

tfswitch -b some/local/dir # have it detect and install the correct terraform version
TERRAFORM_BIN = $(tfswitch which) # returns the path to the terraform that it would use to deploy
$TERRAFORM_BIN apply #or some other terraform command

Describe alternatives you've considered
ugh none really. The whole -b thing doesnt work correctly, at least with jenkins.

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Removed the Template Code from the Issue for better readability

It might be that the root cause of your problem "the whole -b thing does not work" is solved with #356
Please wait for Release 1.1.0 and test again if you would be so nice.
1.1.0 should drop this week.

Given tfswitch it directed by the user with regards to the location of the terraform symlink for the actual binary, I'd say it is not tfswitch to "identify" the path, but instead the user. Given the provided example:

tfswitch -b some/local/dir # have it detect and install the correct terraform version
TERRAFORM_BIN = $(tfswitch which) # returns the path to the terraform that it would use to deploy
$TERRAFORM_BIN apply #or some other terraform command

what you want to do is to add full path to some/local/dir to the PATH env var (as it is suggested by e.g. https://tfswitch.warrensbox.com/Quick-Start/#use-tfswitchtoml-file-for-non-admin-users-with-limited-privilege-on-their-computers) or use the path explicitly full_or_relative_path_to_some/local/dir/terraform (tfswitch always creates symlink with name terraform as is designed as a drop-in replacement for plain terraform binary).

Having said that I tbh see no use case for which subcommand. Other collaborators may see this as a use case though 😺

I will try and re-test soon

Any news on that @shadycuz ?