
Cannot get list from mirror - Latest Build

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Hey, I have tried using tfswitch this morning and got the following error:

Reading required version from terraform file
Cannot get list from mirror: https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform
Reading required version from constraint: 1.1.7
Version does not exist or invalid terraform version format.
 Format should be #.#.# or #.#.#-@# where # are numbers and @ are word characters.
 For example, 0.11.7 and 0.11.9-beta1 are valid versions
error parsing constraint: 1.1.7
No version found to match constraint. Follow the README.md instructions for setup. https://github.com/warrensbox/terraform-switcher/blob/master/README.md

I have upgraded to latest using tfswitch -u but the error persists.

Specifying the version manually works fine.

tfswitch 1.1.7
Switched terraform to version "1.1.7"

Versions file

terraform {
  required_providers {
    aws = {
      source  = "hashicorp/aws"
      version = "~> 3.50.0"
  required_version = "1.1.7"

Any idea?

I was on an old version