
mirror keyword does nothing in .tfswitch.toml

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I was trying to lock tf mirror instead of writing it each time I need to switch terraform version, but the 'mirror' keyword seem to not workin in $HOME/.tfswitch.toml (I was trying the following config):

bin = "$HOME/.local/bin/terraform"
mirror = "https://releases.comcloud.xyz/terraform/"

Can you please provide us with a clear documentation of what options available via .toml config, and please, add a 'mirror' keyword there.

I don't think there's an option in the toml file to add that.
At this time, you need to manually pass from from the command line. For example:
tfswitch --mirror https://example.jfrog.io/artifactory/hashicorp

However, I can add this feature (on the toml file) to the next release of tfswitch.