
BUG: Terraform not switching

Closed this issue · 1 comments

When I run:

tfswitch -l Creating directory for terraform binary at: /home/christopher/.terraform.versions ✔ 1.6.6 Unable to write to: /usr/local/bin/terraform Creating bin directory at: /home/christopher/bin Creating directory for terraform binary at: /home/christopher/bin RUNexport PATH=$PATH:/home/christopher/binto append bin to $PATH Downloading to: /home/christopher/.terraform.versions 24976120 bytes downloaded Switched terraform to version "1.6.6"

TF still stays at 1.7.5. It should switch to 1.6.6

 terraform -v
Terraform v1.7.5
on linux_amd64

@GodAtum360 Would you please share the output of which terraform command?
If you have terraform binary installed by any other mean than tfswitch, please de-install it before using tfswitch. Alternatively you may want to move $HOME/bin before any other bin dirs on your PATH env var, e.g.: export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH" and then additionally add it to your ~/.bashrc to make this permanent.