Images are not Blurred in Android 4.4.1 (Glide-transformations 4.0.1)
AndreaLVR opened this issue · 1 comments
AndreaLVR commented
I tried a BlurTransformation on multiple images, but the result is that the image is not blurred.
I tried to increase the value of "radius" (I tried (25,3), (100,2), (1,1), (20,3)) but nothing, the images still remain as before.
I also tried:
.apply(new RequestOptions().transform(new BlurTransformation(25))), but nothing.
iAlex97 commented
I also experienced this kind of "issue".
In my case, I was overriding this transformation by a .centerCrop()
call, therefore:
This seemed like the BlurTransformation was in vain and the image looked like the original
.transform(new BlurTransformation())
while this blurred the image properly:
.transform(new BlurTransformation())